
17 December 2019 - 26 April 2020
Joseph Karl Stieler
Beethoven with the manuscript of the Missa solemnis, 1820

The Bundeskunsthalle, in collaboration with the Beethoven-Haus Bonn, is presenting a major exhibition to mark, in the native city of the famous composer, Beethoven's 250th birthday.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) is thought to be the world’s most-played classical composer and the exhibition traces the key moments in his life and musical oeuvre. It also reconsiders the cliché of the "lonely genius" and Beethoven's stylization of himself as the "first free composer", exploring his private and business networks, his health, his living and working conditions.

With the support of audio stations inviting visitors to listen to key compositions, three main sections - World, Citizen, Music - take a closer look at Beethoven's role and position in a time of fundamental change when music broke out the exclusive salons of an aristocratic elite and was embraced by a wider public.

Numerous concerts, events as well as opera, dance and theatre productions in Bonn will also punctuate Beethoven's anniversary year.