8 JUNE – 27 OCTOBER 2024
Pauline Julier (*1981), making of A Million-Year Picnic, 2024
Video installation, sound, loop, variable length
With permission of the artist
© Pauline Julier
Image: Margot Sparkes

Artist and filmmaker Pauline Julier (b.1981, Geneva, Switzerland) invites visitors to travel through space and time, on an intergalactic tour leading through the geological ages of the Earth all the way to space.

From an invitation to visit a 300-million-year-old forest in China or a mountain range on Mars, Julier's work questions the relationship between humans and the environment, a “single universe” in which all living beings are interconnected. Within her immersive video installations, the poetry of the mundane meets philosophy, astrophysics, biology, anthropology, and neuroscience. Indigenous voices mix with those of renowned scientists and their discoveries echo rituals and myths.

Between documentary and fiction, Julier invites viewers to take a look into the world – and not at the world. How far are humans willing to go to exploit the resources of Earth and other planets? How can we respond to the complexity of climate change?